Показать содержимое по тегу: Ольга Сосновская

Суббота, 19 января 2013 16:25

Olga Sosnovskaya (soprano)

Merited Artiste of Russia, People’s Artiste of the Komi Republic, Laureate of the All-Russian and International contests of vocalists, Laureate of the State Prize of the Komi Republic, Laureate of the 1-st Republican contest "Man of the year" in nomination "Creative personality of the year", President of the International Cultural Foundation "Classics and Modernity", soloist of the State Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Komi Republic, Syktyvkar.

Опубликовано в Olga Sosnovskaya
Суббота, 19 января 2013 16:05

Creative biography

Her child years the singer spent in the Ukraine, native land of her father, known for its rich voices. Then her family moved to the north, to Inta, Komi Republic. After finishing secondary school she entered the Republican School of Arts (Syktyvkar), vocal department, the class of Sergei P.Markov, Honoured Culture Worker of Russia, People’s Artist of the Komi Republic, Honoured Teacher of the Komi ASSR. His pupils were such prominent singers as Nikolay Putilin, Vladimir Vaneev and many-many others.

In 1984 Olga Sosnovskaya became a student of Petrozavodsk Branch of Leningrad Conservatory, since 1988 - a soloist of the State Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Komi Republic in Syktyvkar.

During her time in the theatre she worked with such conductors as Valery Gergiev, Alexander Polenichko, Vasily Nebol’sin, Valentin Nesterov, Leonid Mullaev, Igor Latsanich, Yury Anisichkin, Alexander Sitnikov, Vladimir Samarin, Vladimir Pon’kin, Arkady Schteinluht, Engele Negene, Feliks Korobov, Mats Liliefors.

Such singers as Anatoly Solovyanenko, Vladimir Vaneev, Nikolay Putilin, Anatoly Fokanov, Boris Statsenko, Valery Popov, Victor Pishchaev, Yassi Zaharov, Vladimir Ermakov, Alexander Baskin, Oleg Bektimirov, Viktor Chernomortsev were her partners on the stage.

On December 18, 1999 Olga Sosnovskaya celebrated her 10-year stage career with opera performance "Barbiere di Siviglia". At this performance it was solemnly declared about conferring an honorary title of the People’s Artiste of the Komi Republic on her. She became the youngest “People’s Artiste” in the republic.

In October 2001 Olga Sosnovskaya participated in the All-Russia Classical Romantic Song Soloist Contest (the city of Vladimir). She became Laureate of the contest (II Prize) and winner of the special prize of the contest jury "For the best performance of musical composition of the Soviet composer".

In April 2003 Olga Sosnovskaya became winner (I Prize) of the IV International Izabella Yuryeva Old-Russian Romantic Song Contest in Tallinn (Estonia).

Since 1993 the "Olga Sosnovskaya Junior Vocalists Contest" has been held once in two years in Inta, Komi Republic, which participants are children from 9 to 20.

As to Olga Sosnovskaya, she, as professional singer and stage master, in recent years all more often participates in various international contests and festivals as a jury member.

The V-th issue of the encyclopedia "Best people of Russia" (2005) has publication on the soloist of the State Opera and Ballet Theatre Olga A. Sosnovskaya in the section "Colours of the Russian culture".

On March 11, 2006 with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin Olga Sosnovskaya was conferred a high title "Merited Artiste of the Russian Federation".

The Benefit performance of Olga Sosnovskaya dedicated to 20-years of her creative activity took place on December 17, 2007 at the Opera and Ballet Theatre.

2012, the year of jubilee for Olga Sosnovskaya, is marked by a chain of bright and interesting creative projects.

Опубликовано в Creative biography
Понедельник, 14 января 2013 18:31

"Летучая мышь"

Дорогие друзья, как все мы помним, 23 декабря в театре оперы и балета состоялся бенефис Ольги Сосновской. Зрителям была представлена оперетта И. Штрауса "Летучая мышь".

Опубликовано в События
Четверг, 10 января 2013 19:08

Ольга Сосновская в Петрозаводске

Небольшой видеоролик о концерте Ольги Сосновской в Петрозаводске (5.12.12)

Опубликовано в Видео
Среда, 02 января 2013 19:27

Ольга Сосновская на youtube

Дорогие друзья, представляем вашему вниманию интересное слайдшоу, посвященное юбилею Ольги Сосновской.

Опубликовано в События
Среда, 26 декабря 2012 18:47

Любовь останется

В. Гаврилин "Любовь останется"
Концерт "Музыка души" (3.12.12)

Опубликовано в Видео
Пятница, 21 декабря 2012 19:54

Бенефис Ольги Сосновской

19 декабря в театре оперы и балета Республики Коми состоялся бенефис Заслуженной артистки России, Народной артистки Республики Коми Ольги Сосновской.

Опубликовано в События
Понедельник, 17 декабря 2012 11:24

С днем рождения!

Дорогие друзья, сегодня мы от всей души поздравляем Ольгу Сосновскую с днем рождения! К пожеланиям счастья, удачи, и крепкого здоровья присоединяются пожелания больших творческий успехов. Ольга Александровна, пусть в вашей жизни будет как можно больше приятных и солнечных моментов, делающих каждый день радужным и незабываемым!

Опубликовано в События

Am 9. Dezember wurde im Akademischen Theater für Drama das erste in der vieljährigen Karriere Benefiz von einem der lustigsten Schauspieler dieses Theaters Igor Jankow aufgeführt.

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